
Friday, October 25, 2013

Failed Failure Friday: A good thing?

Well this is pretty sad. I failed Failure Friday! I was sick most of this week so I didn't have time to make anything to put up on here. Last week was midterms and a whole lot of other craziness so I guess I worked myself almost to death. It's always good to have a slow down and heal week though. There's a lot that I should have/could have done this week while I was laying around the house but I didn't. I think that even though I "failed" at getting things done this week that I should have, I also "succeeded" at something else... We ALL need to take a break and slow down from time to time to keep ourselves healthy. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others.

One of my favorite books is by Jeffrey R. and Patricia T. Holland. In this book (On Earth as it is in Heaven) Patricia says this:
"Anyone who reads a newspaper or magazine is constantly reminded that proper diet, appropriate exercise, and plenty of rest increase our daily capacities as well as our life span. But all too many of us put off even these minimal efforts, thinking our family, our neighbors, and our many other responsibilities come first. Yet in doing so, we put at risk the thing that people need most from us: our healthiest, happiest, heartiest self."

Isn't that such a great quote?? I love it because it reminds me of how important it is to take care of myself and make sure I'm healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This week felt like a detoxing week for me. I was sick and tired and needed some time off. There was so much that I just needed a break from and hopefully after this slower week I can hop back up and have more motivation and energy to finish out this semester strong! So this is my challenge for you: Take some time for yourself this weekend. Eat something healthy and do something you love. Take time to work out. Watch a movie or take a nap! Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.

Don't look at not getting things done as a failure, look at it as a triumph for yourself because you took time for yourself - and that in turn will help you do more for others.


  1. This is a great reminder! I am one of those people that sometimes forgets that it is important to take care of myself so that I can continue to be effective in taking care of my family and fulfilling my other responsibilities. Thanks for posting this! Will be sharing on FB and G+!
    Kristin @ Dizzy Busy and Hungry

    1. Kristin, I'm the same! I've always just tried to push through things and tell myself I can rest when I'm done - but that doesn't make life very enjoyable. I'm getting better though! My husband is much better at taking breaks and helps me slow down :) Thanks for stopping by and for sharing!!

  2. I was just reading that same thing recently. AFTER we begin to love ourselves truly and deeply can we then love others and God. Taking time for ourselves is part and parcel of loving ourselves.

    1. It's so true Linda! Thanks for stopping by and commenting - nice to hear your thoughts on it! :)

  3. Well said, Allie! I'm going to take your challenge except for one. I'm going to eat something unhealthy!!! Like maybe chocolate! (Evil laugh comes here)

    1. Haha! Very funny Mom! :) You do that! I'm sure you deserve it because you always eat healthy. For someone like me though... .. I should be better cuz I eat really bad.
